Where did everyone go?
It wasn’t that long ago when companies would have big rooms with 10+ controls engineers, PLC programmers, and draftsmen diligently working on the next big assembly line. Before that project was even finished, they were starting on the next one. 15 years went by and the same people were there, building their skills and applying them for the company. Those days seem to be gone, permanently.
Now, companies are lucky if they can find one skilled controls person, let alone more than one, and it’s tough to keep them for more than 2 years. As the baby boomer generation has started to retire, it’s left a huge talent vacuum in the industry.
Even if you find the right in-house resources, typically what happens is that they get sucked into tasks that are non-technical in nature. For example, attending 3+ hours of meetings per day, doing project management and more.
At Volt Controls, we can offer dedicated controls resources that focus on solving important problems without the typical distractions. What’s even better, is that while we’re technically an outside resource, we never actually leave. We continue to be available as the workload flexes up and down.